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Centrifugal Filter

FILTRATION Centrifugal Filter              


Cyclone Filter

MultiCyclone is a pre-filtration device that is capable of saving water and reducing filter maintenance. The MultiCyclone works on the basis of centrifugal water filtration. There are no moving parts to wear and tear, and no filter media to clean or replace. MultiCyclone extends the life of your filter and cuts water consumption as it eases the workload on your swimming pool filter.

Incoming water enters 16 hydro cyclones tangentially, generating a strong centrifugal effect. The sediment is spun out to the hydro cyclone's wall, and then spirals down to the sediment chamber. Yhe filtered water migrates towards the centre of the hydro cyclone where the flow reverses and spirals upwards through the outlet. Accumulation of sediment can be visibly monitored through the MultiCyclone's clear sediment  chamber. The MultiCyclone is easily cleaned by opening the valve. Only 15 litres of water is discharged to cleanse the MultiCyclone.


The reduction of  washing's frequency against the sand filter and the suspended solids' continuous removal  through solenoid improves very significantly  the performance of closed farms.

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