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Diffuser tubes

Principle: Each diffuser is composed of a tube covered in a perforated rubber membrane resistant to micro-organisms and the various compounds found in tanks.

Membrane diffusers

Principle: This disk diffuser system allows the production of fine bubbles of super-pressured air.
The diffuser disk is composed of a polythene disk, a concentrically perforated membrane in EPDM, tensioning ring and a stainless steel screw on fixing.
A central reinforcement allows elimination of the air from the membrane into the air entry orifice in case the super-pressuriser cuts out.

Efficiency: A simple and quick assembly,an interchangeable membrane at low cost. However, this system needs a significant flow of super-pressurised air.

Ceramic diffuser

Installed flat, this diffuser prevents the formation of coalescences,it has a low power loss and porosity equal to 0.1 microns (very fine bubbling).
Gas flow: 4m3/hr per flat diffuser under 60mbar of pressure. The ceramics are changeable without replacing the entire mounting.

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