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Energy analysis and maintenance

Site Definition

Each aquacultural site is specific;  it is therefore useful to define accurately the parameters characterizing its level of technology:  place, type of production, condition of fluid resources (water-electricity-heating).
Note : each of these resources must be accurately defined.

 - Water:  have available analyses of the water upstream and downstream, as well as a curve of the flow and temperatures observed per month.

- Electricity:  have the electrical power supply agreement available.
Have available the electrical power invoices over one year.  Know the power available on the mains electricity connection line as well as the distance between the supply transformer  and the site.

- Heating:  determine the quantity of water to be heated for the process as well as the minimum and maximum temperature levels.  Locate the various types of available energy:
geothermal, waste heat, heat system, gas, available mains gas pressure, distance, fuel, electricity.

Budget : calculate the percentage which energy represents in the turnover.  



To determine accurately the power and consumption of the operation, refer to the results of the technical charts on the following table:
All of the technical details must make it possible to very accurately determine the "energy signature " of the site.  This preparatory work makes it possible for a technician to visualize the site, to come up with potential improvements, and to measure any technological risk.  


To contact AQUALOG                Tél. : 0033 (0)4 94 10 26 26


Potential Improvements


  • Choice of an Electricity Tariff.
  • Service charge (choice of the contractual demand).
  • Reduced power coefficient.
  • Transfert of day / night consumption.
  • Energy economy.


  • -Availability and choice of energy.
  • Choice and energy production output.
  • Energy conservation.
  • Recuperation of energy (recycling).
The share of energy represents a very variable cost according to the types' of operation (intensive, extensive, selected species type, with or without broodstock and nurseries).
The technicians and administrators of the operation generate an unquestionable gain in running costs by investing time in energy analysis.  Companies specializing in this type of analysis and the feasible improvements (with or without commitment to the results) can be usefully consulted.


Maintenance and risk management

The aquaculture process is specific in the sense that it involves raising a living organism outside of its natural environment.   It is therefore necessary to have a range of actions and essential technical precautions to secure the safety of the process.
Maintenance : As for any technical equipment, the electromechanical parts present in an installation MUST be examined regularly in order to control wear and tear, to clean contacts, to check and supplement levels, to regulate thresholds, etc...
The aquaculture operator is in a position to carry out most of these operations by following plans and a checklist.
The operator  must seek the advice of maintenance specialists who will reduce the technical risk and carry out delicate technical maintenance.  

Risk management :  Despite all the precautions taken, a technical installation is never infallible.
Simple or more sophisticated  monitoring systems can warn the fish farmer of events which are outside the normal framework of operation.  


To contact AQUALOG                Tél. : 0033 (0)4 94 10 26 26



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Corniche du Bois Sacré
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Tél. : 04 94 10 26 26
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