Marine Hatcheries
We build hatchery for the reproduction and the embryonic breeding of fishes which are finalized from the works of the French research teams (IFREMER, INRA, CEMAGREF, and Universities) with a technology of treatment and recycling of water for breeding in closed circuit. This allowed us to master all the phases of water's physico-chemical parameters concerning breeding. This technique is necessary to obtain industrial results for reproduction level on these fishes. It was also necessary to transfer the protocols of reproduction and embryonic breeding. We propose to our customers a contract of a technical aid production over 2 years including the local team training.
The advantages of this technique are related to water conservation (environmental), energy, space (intensive farming), better management of production, physico-chemical and disease control.
Our business is therefore out of France, to countries that have areas suitable for these techniques and high sea water temperatures. These areas are located in the southern Mediterranean (Turkey, Greece, North Africa, Libya ...).
Each hatchery contains the following units:
The building, a structure composed of 100% galvanized and fully bolted. This is calculated according to standard DTU CM66 with the following values :
¤ Maximum load of sand on the roof: 25 kg/m2,
¤ Wind dynamic pressure maximum: 95 kg/m2 or 140 km / h,
¤ Anchorages on turntables articulated,
¤ Portico complete profile thin double type C,
¤ Thin-tail profile of single C,
¤ Bolt in quality 8.8,
¤ Self-supporting partitions.
The broodstock unit, closed circuit to control the physico-chemical parameters and the photoperiod to obtain spawning shifted. Tanks equipped with egg harvesters if necessary. The water treatment, using techniques of mechanical filtration, sterilization, and biological and thermal treatments can control the eggs hatch and provide a good replacement.
The larval unit with larval rearing tanks with very specific hydrodynamic conditions, generally cylindrical-conical. Establishment of facilities for the production of rotifers, microscopic algae and brine shrimp.
The weaning unit in which the larvae are transferred to larger ponds and used to inert food. They are then transported to the nursery unit after a few weeks.
The nursery unit which receives the fry after the recent transformations, and produces several grams of fish already marketable.
The pre-growing unit in larger volume ponds and whose objective will depend on the nature and demand sites. Each basin is optimized to reproduce the best hydrodynamic conditions.
The pumping unit and water treatment unit will depend on the quality of water supply. From there, treatment by mechanical filtration, sterilization and biofiltration are made. A suitable hydraulic system to distribute recycled water in the different culture units. The key unit will, through the control parameters of livestock, control product quality and reduce water consumption while concentrating releases.
Our business is therefore out of France, to countries that have areas suitable for these techniques and high sea water temperatures. These areas are located in the southern Mediterranean (Turkey, Greece, North Africa, Libya ...).