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Experimental hatchery

AQUALOG joined the team of conception and realization among ARCHITECTES ANONYMES, BERIM, and many others, for the realization of the project STELLA MARE (Sustainable TEchnologies for Littoral Aquaculture and MAine REsearch) developped in Corsica by the UNIVERSITY PASQUALE PAOLI.

This large-scale project is certified on a national and international level (CNRS-INEE, Pôle de compétences Mer Paca, Pôle de Recherche Méditerranéen, Réseau d'Excellence des Territoires Insulaires) in the service of sustainable economic development and environnement friendly.

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The project intervenes in a particular context:

¤ the University of Corsica wished to revitalize its territorial development by valuing its assets, its image, its cultural, social and environnmental heritage, to stimulate innovative and sustainable initiatives both offshore as at land.

For this the University of Corsica aims in particular to strengthen its competitiveness in marine and submarine technologies among which fish farming and marine biotechnologies.

¤ the University of Corsica disposes of a center of excellence within the University and at present is setting up a new tool for the research and experimentation on marine biodiversity on the coast of Corsica, on the municipality of Biguglia : the marine research platform : STELLA MARE.

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AQUALOG has for mission:

¤ to bring scientific and technical assistance to the platform's staff for the starting of the installations and for the experimental phases.

¤ to set up and startup the experimental programs on the level of applied research in fish farming (aquacultural animal breeding), leading in short-term,  to bring technical and scientific support to the professionals.

¤ to set up innovative programs of experiments on the European scale with a longer-term aim the prospective for development of sustainable fish farming.

¤ to realize the study of conception and the follow-up of the works of the experimental hatcheries within the team of the project management.

public aquarium conception in aquaculture, hatchery, fish farming, pisciculture studies and project,how the create a fish farm

To contact AQUALOG                Tel. : 0033 (0)4 94 10 26 26




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