was created for private companies, institutional stations of purification and expendition of shells. The modules consists of pumps with mechanical set of re-circulation and biological filters associated with UV sterilizers.
An air conditioning equipment maintains the water temptrature at a prefered level, while the autonomous oxygen assures the oxygenetaion of the ponds. The system works with artificial sea water in closed circuit.
At the request of clients, the Aqualog units of purification are fitted to sterilize 20m3 sea water, in two or four concrete or polyester ponds. Furthermore, these units are additionable. The installation of the proposed project includes two units of purification with concrete ponds. The purification circuit of AQUALOG feeds ponds with steril sea water and shells, while the oysters remain in stalling for 12 hours and the mussels upto 48 hours.
With the conventional stock density of 50 to 100Kg/m3, AQUALOG'S circuit is designed to treat 40m3 of sea water and is capable to purifie upto 4000 kg of shells. The stalling duration is 48 hoursn and the dayly production capacity is 2000 kg a day. However, in agreement with veterinarian services, this system can work with 150 kg loads of shells by m3.
Besides the technical propositions of installations and material supply, AQUALOG proposes :
¤ Sites expertise,
¤ Technical and economical feasibility studies,
¤ Financial file assembly,
¤ Conception of installations of market principals,
¤ Execution plans,
¤ Sanitary upgrading.